If the experience through The Myth of the Human Body was opportunity enough for photos for my Senior Year scrapbook, Enchanted Kingdom (local themepark in Laguna) would practically be a huge photo shoot just waiting to happen.
The bus ride there was not as agonizingly long as we expected. It was actually just right. I think we even arrived a little bit earlier than planned, which gave some people a chance to eat an early lunch (it was around 10:45-11:15 am at the time), change clothes and get ready for our next stop as the bus was parked and our teachers were getting our special tickets counted and ready for us (it had the word student on it and our school name).
EK entrance. |
As we got off the bus, we were lined up - as usual - and led to the entrance of the park which was this grand sort of caslte thing that was lined with unlit lights. It had been a long time since I had been there - I think it was the same for most of my batchmates - so the sight was almost something new to me. There were a nember of people that were there before us and were already formed in 4 to 6 lines (I'm not exactly sure) leading to several entrances. At the first gates, bags were checked and at the second gate you were given a bracellet and stamped before getting in.
My pals and I are actually just a small group and the three of us usually get together with most of the boys and hang out with them. This was the plan for today.we had all agreed to just group together and they sort of made clear early on that they didn't want just anybody to, like you know... pop up and hang around all of a sudden and we also made clear that we knew and I guess the feeling was mutual.
Arriving at EK. |
EKstreme tower drop ride. |
All of us rushed in and I could almost say that we were forcing ourselves not to run to the first ride we saw as we speed walked to the look for a locker area and leave any extra luggage. The closest ride to this was a 150 feet high tower drop ride called EKstreme. It was actually one of the hot topic rides in school prior to the trip. Boys will be boys and boys are competitive. It was brought about that we should ride it first and now, as in at that moment. We had just arrived and us girls were pretty hesitant. I personally thought that there was no line for two reasons: one, there was a fee of 80 pesos for regulars and 50 pesos for students, and two, they were too scared. After paying we got straight in and were told that we could just leave our belongings on the ground in front of our seats. A few already backed out and only two of us girls wanted to get adrenaline-pumped. I felt really nervous as we were buckled in. Then we were slowly lifeted up. Some of the boys we were with were telling everyone else to scream or shout - it was their way of coping, I guess.
From the ground you could see when the ride reached the top, but when you were actually on the ride, all strapped in and tied down, you couldn't see past the ride name place above each seat (as seen on the EKstreme photo), and you could hardly look sideways either. Downward was the only direction you could look all the way. So while we were being raised up slowly, I'd bet all of us were feeling like we wanted to quit. Then we were dropped. For a second I thought I left my soul, or at least a kidney up there. It was way longer than onyone expected and the feeling that you were gonna hit the ground hard made you hold your breath and close your eyes until you feel a gust of air from the mechanism's break, letting you know that it's over. I could still feel the adrenaline as we found our way out.
Space Shuttle. |
Anchors Away. |

We were all up to riding as much as we can, and I personally I wanted to ride all the extremes available.and we did. We went for all those first. We rode the famous ones: the Space Shuttle (roller coaster), Anchors Away, Jungle Log Jam, and Rio Grande Rapids. Also we went throught the horror house and the Flying Fiesta (hanging swings being turned in the air). We took as many pictures as we could and I'm glad to say that I liked how most of them turned out.
A couple of the boys lining up for Anchors Away |
At the entrway of the Space Shuttle |
Relief after being dropped a hundred-and-fifty feet |
Goofin' around |
Even though the feeling after the field trip was a mixture exhausted and kind of overwhelmed with the feeling of the whole trip as our last, it made me realize how much blessed I am to be surrounded with people whom I enjoy the company of. I couldn't wait to get scrapbooking! :)