I had been bugging my mom, asking her if I could go and if she could get me tickets as soon as she could for quite some time now. I had heard rumors early on that David Archuleta was sort of being petitioned to be brought back here in Manila. His fan base here is quite big and pretty loyal. There really was no reason for him not to come back.
Once I found out that it was official, I contacted a friend of mine to ask her if tickets were out. She told me that they weren't even plugging it anywhere yet and that the news was still underground news. I was so stoked about it because, other than being a fan myself, and that Araneta Coliseum was the venue, I late found out that the ticket prices were much more available than most concerts were. The most expensive ticket was below five thousand pesos whereas others would range from around seven to twlve thousand. I immediately let my mother know and she seemed excited, just like I was. She told me that it would be okay for me to watch and that shge would want to watch as well.
A close friend of mine, Kimmy - mentioned in Getting Our UPCAT Test Permits - (Hi Kimmy!), is such a big fan that we developed this inside joke where she tells us that David is her soulmate, but he just doesn't know it yet. We kept talking about watching together or at least meeting up there. She had told me that her mom seemed like she wanted to come just like mine did and that could be our problem. She didn't mean it like they were embarassing or that we didn't want them with us, but that they might buy tickets without them telling us or that we might buy tickets of different seats.
Out-of-the-blue, my mom calls me on my cellphone one night and asks me if I really still wanted to see David Archuleta. Well, of course I did! I had been telling her about it for days now and I even called Ticketnet ti inquire for ticket prices and listed them down on piece of paper. I gev her that peper but, she gave it back to me after looking so I just posted if on our refigerator with one of those free-at-occasions kind of magnets. I think I used the one that we got from a wedding of a close relative.
I tell her that I did and she tells me that she was right beside the ticketbooth as she was talking to me at that moment. She was told that the ticikets available were priced P3700 and those farther (I later found out that these tickets were from Lower Box A and beyond). I said that it was okay. She told me that she was willing to buy tickets for me and that I was tasked to check with any of my friends or classmetes if they would want to ask her to buy so that we would have tickets beside each other and that they wouldn't have to bother with resevations and going out of the house to buy the tickets. They could just pass the money through me since my mom would already be in possession of the tickets. I immediately got to the phone and tried to call the two frineds of mine that I know would be interested. One was taking a shower when I called, so I called Kimmy's home number. This news was too big for just texting, and calling would make realying details so much easier.
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Can't Wait!!! |
Kimmy's brother answered tha phone "Hello, (Last name) Residence. Good afternoon!" I say, "Hello, can I talk to Kimmy, please?" "Who's this?" and I tell him who I am. He says hi to me and then there was silence. I didn't know whether or not I should respond. I didn't know if he was still on the other end of the phone. I tried, "Hi...?" then he said, "One moment!" He was as perky as ever. Then I heard muffled voices and footsteps. As soon as Kimmy's voice was what I heard, I was like a recorded message relaying everything I got from my mother and I only stopped at certain reactions I heard from her. I could tell that she was excited, and so was I. She told me that they actually reserved tickets a few days before (I felt bummed that I waan't going to be able to watch with her thinking that she already had tickets). I suddenly realized that why would she be excited about me getting tickets if she already had her own. I asked her about th policy of the reservation lasting only one day. And she told me that she didn't know so the reservation was expired by that time. My mood went up again. :))
After finding out that Kimmy was in and was sure, the day seemed to get brighter. Now on to Alecx (Also mentioned in Getting our UPCAT Test Permits), who I'm sure would be happy to go. It turns out she couldn't. I was asking for an immediate answer and both her parents were unvailable. One came home late and one was in Dubai. It felt like, "AW MAN!"
I told my mom that it would be Kimmy and I. The way my mom was talking, it seemed like she was the same with Kimmy's mother. They were no longer planning to go. This is the down side of the story. My mom ended up not getting to buy the tickets because she couldn't withdraw from the ATM machine; it was broken.
The next two days, my mother got sick. Sick as in sick. I belive she had a slight fever and was throwing up. She missed work for those two days leaving me wondering whether she had the tickets and bought them while I was in school (sometimes, my mother is a miracle worker and she could really make things happen). When I finally asked, I found out that she had not bought them yet.
I tell my dad that I really need to get a hold of my tickets, especially now that I'm holding the Kimmy's fate in my hands (yeah, yeah, I'm exaggerating a little)! Even though she had told me that it was fine with her that we were being a little delayed because Alecx could get a chance to aske permission, still, it was like not following through with what I said. My dad told me that I could always get his help if I asked ("Superdad, to the rescue!").
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So excited!!! That could be us there! |
I ended up finally getting our tickets the next day. Weird, though. My mom was told at the ticketbooth at the Araneta Coliseum itself that only the Lower Box A and beyond seats were available, but when my dad went to SM, he was able to purchase Patron seats which were closer and were still not elevated, providing the hope that you could get a handshake or anything when an artist goes beyond the stage.
As soon as I get the tickets in my hands, I call Kimmy. Her brother answers again, we have almost the same conversation as before (de ja vu) and I ramble to Kimmy that it's official. I had the tickets and they were in my hands and I was looking at them. She was practically sreaming on the onther line and she told me that if I could I should tweet everything.
And so the excitement continues as we await the day where Kimmy gets to see her said soulmate and I get to go wild in a crowd of even wilder people. Archie, here we come!